Brexit – the implications for your finances

Brexit – what implications does this have for your finances?

With the Brexit result on 24 June marking the start of the process of the UK extricating itself from the EU you may be thinking about how this is going to affect monies which you are holding either within your pensions or investment portfolios.

Market Volatility

We are currently seeing Sterling is bearing the brunt of the vote to leave and at the time of writing currently stands at a 31 year low to the $.  Markets are volatile as well and look to continue to be this way for the short term. Markets like certainty and 2016 was always looking like it would be volatile what with Brexit and the US presidential elections which are taking place this year.

Opportunities to invest

However it is only when we look back at these uncertain times that we see that these would have been opportune times to invest as stockmarkets were low – it does take a strong stomach to take that opportunity though!!

Our view is to take a calm and sensible approach to assessing our client’s current pensions and investment portfolios.  If your investment objectives and approach to investment risk are the same as when you last assessed the strategy then no changes should be made – it is a sit on your hands approach and we will just have to grin and bear the inevitable swings which we are going to see in the global markets.

Contact us

If you do want to review your current portfolios then please get in touch with us.  We will do our best to reassure you and make sure that your current investment strategies are correct for you by suggesting alternatives if this is not the case. Email or call 01904 655202.