Our aim is to help you achieve your financial goals by maximising the tax reliefs available, consequently minimising your tax liabilities. By doing this, we can help protect your capital and income sources not only for you, but also for the next generation.
Our approach to advising clients is based upon two principles:
- We make the time to ask you what your business and personal objectives are in life.
- Once we have reached a clear understanding of where you want to go, we provide tax planning solutions tailored to your specific needs.
Business Tax
We can help you choose the most tax efficient and commercially appropriate business structure. We will maximise deductions for expenditure against business profits, and ensure claims for capital allowances are made in full. We will help you with business re-organisation, profit extraction, succession planning and exit strategies.
Capital Gains Tax
We are able to advise you on the available reliefs and exemptions from capital gains tax. We can help you to manage and plan for any liabilities particularly on the sale of the business but also on the disposal of investments.
Income Tax
We advise individuals and families on how best to minimise tax liabilities by advising on the best way of holding assets and distributing income. We can advise on tax efficient investments in conjunction with our associate firm of independent financial advisors (www.hghwealth.co.uk). We can also provide assistance with pensions and retirement planning.
Inheritance Tax
If your estate has an inheritance tax liability, your beneficiaries will have to pay the inheritance tax bill. This may not be the kind of legacy most people think of leaving behind. The good news is that there are plenty of things you can do – in your lifetime – to take care of a potential inheritance tax problem. But finding the right options for you will depend on your personal circumstances.
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