Hunter Gee Holroyd Latest News

Making a Difference

It’s been a busy first half of 2016 for Hunter Gee Holroyd!

We’ve lots to update you on in our latest edition (issue 4) of Hunter Gee Holroyd Latest News Summer 2016

Merger of York Accountancy Firms

Our BIG news is that Hunter Gee Holroyd  merged with Gardiners Chartered Accountants in York on 18 July 2016. We are excited and delighted to welcome Claire Hodsman, Denise Oliver and Owen Willis to the team in our York office. Fantastic cakes and baking by Denise are helping everyone to settle in!

One of the ‘world’s most inspiring accountants’

We are also delighted to be featured in a new book; ‘The world’s most inspiring accountants’ featuring a case study of how Hunter Gee Holroyd helped QualitySolicitors Burn & Company. To find out how Hunter Gee Holroyd made a difference to Burn & Company, read page 2.

With the help of clients of HGH Wealth Management, Nick Lawson was featured in The Sunday Times on Sunday 10th April in their supplement listing the Top 250 Independent Financial Advisers. Nick is rated as 4.7 out of 5 stars! Visit VouchedFor or read page 4 for more information.

Brexit – Financial advice

Following the referendum (and the 20th Anniversary of HGH Wealth Management!) in June, Nick and the team have been very busy answering client’s queries about their savings, pensions and investments. Their advice on what you should consider is on page 5.

Launch of Free, online, secure portal

We always strive to deliver the best possible service to our clients, delivering new initiatives to make your life easier whenever we can. We have recently launched our free, online, secure portal which offers many advantages over email. If you’d like to know more about this service, please turn to page 6.

Excellent Team Engagement

In December 2015 the Hunter Gee Holroyd Team took part in an employee engagement survey which was delivered by the lovely team at Pro-Development. If you’d like to find out how the team scored, then please turn to page 7.

Tax and Team updates, important dates and more…

We’ve also crammed an update on Tax Exemption for Trivial Benefits in Kind, updates on the team’s achievements and important dates for tax deadlines, business builder forum events and our Annual Charity Event on Friday 14 October at Monk Bar Hotel in York.

Phew after all that, it must be time for a holiday! Happy reading! Hunter Gee Holroyd Latest News Summer 2016

Contact us

If you would like any further information about any of the subjects covered in Making a Difference, please do not hesitate to call 01904 655202.